Ten Hove Advocatuur (Chamber of Commerce number: 14101266), established in De Hagenhof, Hagenstraat 16b, 6225 ER Maastricht,
T: +31 (0)85 8769645
I: www.tenhoveadvocatuur.com
E: ath@tenhoveadvocatuur.com
is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy statement.
Personal data that are processed:
Ten Hove Advocatuur processes your personal data by using our services and/or because you provide these to us yourself or have been provided by third parties under which counterparties or through public sources have become known. Below you will find an overview of the personal data that are processed:
- First name and surname
- Address details
- Telephone number
- E-mail address
- CV (in case you respond to a vacancy)
- IP address
- Other personal data that you actively provide, for example by creating a profile on this website, communicating in correspondence and/or by telephone and/or in person – Location information
- Internet browser and device type
Purpose of processing
As part of your legal aid assignment, your lawyer must process certain information about you in order to be able to carry out his task. The data may also be used for other tasks that are necessarily linked to your file. With your consent, the data will be used and collected in accordance with European and national data protection legislation.
Your data will be stored in the form of a paper and/or electronic file, under the responsibility of your lawyer, who will take all measures to ensure its security. Your data will be stored as long as your file is being processed. If your file is closed, your data will be kept for at least 5 years from the time your lawyer’s work is completed so that the lawyer can fulfil his legal responsibility.
The employees of your attorney’s office. If the handling of your file so requires, data may be shared with other lawyers and actors in the legal world.
In the case of proceedings outside the Netherlands, but within the European Union (EU), data may be shared with legal actors from other EU countries.
Your rights
You may consent to the processing and exchange of your data and you may refuse or later withdraw your consent. In the latter case, your lawyer will explain how your data will be deleted from the file. However, it is possible that not all data will (have to) be deleted, in particular the data that (may) be used to take legal action or to defend your rights in a court case.
You have the right to be informed about the purposes of the processing of your data and who has access to your data. Your lawyer will provide you with the appropriate explanation if requested. You can ask what information has been recorded about you and, if necessary, have incorrect information corrected. You have the right to receive (certain) processed and stored personal information in a portable and readable format. Your lawyer should handle and store your data securely and inform you without delay in the event of a security breach or loss of your data.
Your right to information does not apply if you already have this information or can reasonably dispose of it or if professional secrecy requires that the data remain confidential or if the provision of the information proves impossible or would require a disproportionate effort, in particular when processed for archiving purposes in the public interest (scientific or historical research or statistical purposes).
Your right to modify and/or delete your data does not apply when a legal obligation requires the retention of these data or when the data is necessary for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information or for the institution, exercise or substantiation of a legal claim.
Sharing of personal data with third parties
Ten Hove Advocatuur only provides personal data to third parties and only if this is necessary for the execution of the agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation.
Cookies, or similar techniques, that we use
Ten Hove Advocatuur uses functional, analytical and tracking cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is saved in your browser the first time you visit this website. computer, tablet or smartphone. Ten Hove Advocatuur uses cookies with a purely technical functionality. These ensure that the website works properly and that, for example, your preferred settings are remembered. These cookies are also used to make the website work properly and to optimize it. In addition, we place cookies that track your surfing behaviour so that we can offer customized content and advertisements. On your first visit to our website, we already informed you about these cookies and asked permission to place them.
You can unsubscribe from cookies by setting your internet browser so that it does not accept cookies anymore. In addition, you can also delete all information previously saved via the settings of your browser.
How personal data is secured
Ten Hove Advocatuur takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and to prevent unauthorized modification. If you have the impression that your data is not properly secured. If there are indications of abuse, please contact ath@tenhoveadvocatuur.com.